Education Reformism
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Insight Development Grants (July 2020)*Among the first sextile of all applications
Jackman Institute for Humanities, University of Toronto, Scholars-in-Residence Program (December 2022)
Jackman Institute for Humanities, University of Toronto, Scholars-in-Residence Program (December 2021)
Jackman Institute for Humanities, University of Toronto, Scholars-in-Residence Program (December 2020)
Jackman Institute for Humanities, University of Toronto, Scholars-in-Residence Program (December 2019)
The Politics of International Assessments
Stanford Global Development and Poverty Initiative (2015)
STEAM Learning and Gender
Victoria College, University of Toronto (April 2020)
Institute for Gender and the Economy at Rotman School of Management (March 2020)
The Freeman Spogli Institute of International Studies at Stanford University, Japan Fund Grants